What we do

Specialised in strategic financial services head hunting from expert to C-level.
We have full competency to reach out to senior profiles, in complex research schemes, on a worldwide basis.

Adaptability: Throughout the years, we have covered a wide range of clients. Our extensive experience has allowed us to build a global network perfectly adapted to the cycle of the recruitment market. We have always demonstrated a strong desire to adapt to any challenge, dictated by our client needs and requirements. We understand the dynamic nature of our business, constantly learning from an ever changing market.

Organisation: Our unique structure allows us to work with a team of consultants and researchers that fully comprehend our clients requirements and expectations. We have created strong strategic partnerships in Europe and in the US. They have allowed us to reach out to the best candidates perfectly matched to our clients’ needs.

Clients and Candidates services

Market mapping

Head hunting assignement

Team assesment

Advising and Mentoring


We always provide innovative solutions.

We advise the client on the best approach according to the candidates market situation and their requirements.

We always show a realistic view of the market and the search. Candidate Mentoring approach: We offer a bespoke Service including the full integration of the candidates.

Throughout the recruitment process we maintain the highest degree of honesty and integrity for all parties.

We take pride in locating and co-ordinating the ideal match between client and candidate. We are fully committed in the follow up of every single step of the interview and negotiation process.

Most importantly, we offer personalised Candidate Mentoring program; an extended service to facilitate the smooth integration of successful candidates into their new role during their first year of employment. We believe in long term relationships and like to ensure that both client and candidate establish a successful professional association.


- Capital Market
- Corporate and Investment banking
- Securities services
- Clearing
- Insurance
- Asset management
- Private banking
Support function roles:
- Risk management
- Compliance & Legal
- Audit/Control Management
- Operations
- Finance
- Project Management
- IT/Digital
Front office roles:
- Sales/Distribution
- Trading
- Fund management
- Investment management
- Product specialist
- Research analysis